3. Work on Files

To perform one of the following actions please click on the entry “Work on files” in the menu “Files”.

The view“Work on files” displays a list of available files. If there are more files than can fit on the page, please use the navigation below to view the other files. Users with the role of "Administrator" can define the number of files that can be displayed on one page. For more information on that please read Section 1, “”.

This view contains the following columns:

File Name/Description

This column displays the file's name and the description of the file. Click on the button Edit file properties in the column “Manage” to edit the file description.


The column “Manage” contains the buttons Edit file properties and Delete file.

Click on the button Edit file properties to open the view Section 3.1, “Edit File Properties” where you can edit the file properties amongst others.

Click on the button Delete file to remove a file from ConPresso. Please confirm the deletion when prompted. Once a file has been deleted it cannot be restored.


The column “Preview” contains the clickable text “Preview file in new window”. Click on that text to open the file or to download it.


The column “Info” contains the following information

  • uploaded”: the time and day when the image was uploaded into ConPresso

  • by”: name and username of the user who has uploaded the file

  • file format”: file format the file was saved as - for instance "application/x-binary", "application/pdf", "text/plain" or "application/zip"

  • file size”: size of the file

  • available in”: information on whether the file is available in all rubrics, only the current rubric or in article-templates

Enable filter

Click on the button“Enable filter” to narrow the range of files displayed based on their availability or a keyword.

Availability filter

Use this option to filter the range of files displayed based on their availability in article-templates, in all rubrics or in the rubric you have currently selected. Please use the corresponding checkboxes to specify your choice.

Please click on the button “Enable filter” to apply this filter.

Keyword filter

Use this option to narrow the range of files displayed by entering a keyword. ConPresso will be looking for that “Keyword” in the “File name” and “Description” of the files.

Please click on the button “Enable filter” to apply this filter.

Disable filter

Click on the button “Disable filter” to switch off the filter function.

3.1. Edit File Properties

Click on the button “Edit file properties” to open the view “Edit file properties”. In that view you can edit the description and availability of a file.

File Name

This is the name under which ConPresso has stored the file. This name is specified when the file is uploaded and it cannot be altered afterwards.

File Description

Please enter a description of the file. This description can be displayed in the frontend of your project.

Available in

Here you can choose to make the file available in article-templates, all rubrics or just the rubric you have currently selected. Mark the corresponding option to specify your choice. The option “Article-templates” is only available for users with the roles of "Administrator" and "Superuser".

To finish editing the file's properties please click on the button “Save”. ConPresso will then return to the view “Work on files”.